How to Come Up with Ideas for Your Videos?

How to Come Up with Ideas for Your Videos?

We publish every week on all of our channels, which means that the video you will watch this week was being worked on last week and the next week’s video is being worked on now.

This is possible because of three reasons:

  1. Teamwork
  2. Planning
  3. System

A system allows us to plan, which results in fantastic teamwork effectively. Taking too much time at any stage can be detrimental, and that’s why we take everything very seriously.

We spend quite a lot of time coming up with new ideas, and rightly so. Having an abundance of ideas has never been a problem for us; in fact, it’s the opposite case that we would like to avoid.

Here’s how you can come up with new ideas as a Content Creator.


Quora and Reddit are two really popular forums. The best parts about forums are that you can easily come across topics people are really interested in.

From such topics, you could take inspiration.


Hashtags are a good way to find what type of content the audience is currently engaging with. This will allow you to target specific groups of people.

Follow your favourite hashtags and keep yourself up to date. This way, you can come up with ideas that would be more relevant to your audience.


Old school ways are not wrong, and you know what, they might be better in some cases.

Your Brain is enormous, you know a lot, and all you need is a pen and paper and start writing.

Listing all the ideas you have and sorting them later is still one of the best ways to develop new ideas.

Facebook Groups

You can join groups in your niche, interact with people, and look at what type of content is doing well. You can take inspiration from there and make it your own.

Finding a New Idea
Finding a New Idea


If you create videos, there’s no better tool than YouTube to research topics and find good references. You don’t need to copy videos; instead, you can provide your take on a specific topic.

Being original has different meanings at this point; know what works for you and continue on that path.


This is probably the most important thing to do as a creator. You must consume content; the more reference material you have, the better it is. This way you will find better ideas!

We hope this article helped you gain some insight, or even better if it gave you any content ideas, haha. Have fun creating! Also, check out our other article on things you should remember while making YouTube videos.

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